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Christmas Ooey Gooey Bars #christmas #dessert

Yuletide Ooey Gooey Exerciser are the Unexceeded spend version of Playwright Krispies Treats.

This instruction has digit tasteful layers and is perfect for parties!

The lowermost sheet of these exerciser is like a goliath cake mix biscuit. Have half of a achromatic dish mix, an egg, oil and Yuletide sprinkles in a dish. Matter into greased 9×9 progress pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Take the dish mix sheet from the oven and put spoonfuls of the marshmallow ointment on top. Assign the marshmallow emollient to warmth and locomote out on its own. Spell waiting, work on the top stratum.

Christmas Ooey Gooey Bars


  • 1 1/2 cups albescent dish mix 1/2 of a box of authoritative cover mix
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ cup oil
  • 3-4 tbsp sprinkles I righteous red, conservationist and human jimmies
  • 7 oz container candy ointment
  • 1½ tablespoons butter
  • 3 cups mini marshmallows
  • 3 cups crisped rice cereal I utilized Sweetening Cake Pebbles
  • Papers this ad


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. To urinate the oldest bed, mix unitedly bar mix, egg, sprinkles and oil. Mold into greased 9x9 advance pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
  3. For the indorsement sheet, remove the dish mix bed from the oven and put spoonfuls of the candy toiletry on top. Earmark the marshmallow toiletries to passion and move out on its own.
  4. Spell ready, piddle the top place. Zap 1½ tablespoons of butter for 20 seconds in a comprehensive bowlful, until liquefied. Add 3 cups of mini marshmallows and move to coat. Microwave for 45 seconds and move until marmoreal. (If the marshmallows aren't completely unfrozen, zap for an more 30 seconds.) Mix in 3 cups of crisped rice cereal.
  5. Carefully move the marshmallow emollient out evenly. Then, discontinue the crisped dramatist arm by bouffant spoonfuls over the marshmallow ointment sheet and carefully travel out evenly.
  6. Yield the exerciser to nerveless and set before opening them into squares. They distribute erst they are cut, so you might requisite to move to cut them until hand before delivery.
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